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The 6 Personality Pattern Types | 3 Part Mini Series Workshop

healing & transformation intimacy & communication Jun 12, 2024

Interview by Whitney Kell

The 6 Personality Pattern Types | Part 1

Leah Piper breaks down the 5 Personality Patterns! Join and learn which patterns you developed because of your childhood and how the shape of your body reflects the way you coped through life as a child into adulthood!

The 6 Personality Pattern Types | Part 2

Join me and master facilitator Leah Piper in reviewing your personality pattern and how you can heal your patterns and move out of "pattern" more quickly! Let's finish raising ourselves and developing the emotional awareness and energetic consciousness needed as adults!

The 6 Personality Pattern Types | Part 3

Leah Piper breaks down the The Sixth Personality Patterns for our third experience of learning how we go into patterns


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